Failures to Load Active Phone Numbers in IE1 and AU1 Regions
Incident Report for Twilio
This incident has been resolved. Viewing Active phone numbers within Twilio console for non US regions is operating normally at this time.
Posted Sep 08, 2024 - 15:32 PDT
We are seeing recovery in viewing Active phone numbers within Twilio console for non US regions. We will continue to monitor for system stability. We'll provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available.
Posted Sep 08, 2024 - 15:19 PDT
We continue to experience issues where users are unable to view their active phone numbers using Twilio console in non US regions. Our engineering team is looking into the issue. We expect to provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.
Posted Sep 08, 2024 - 10:12 PDT
We continue to experience issues where users are unable to view their active phone numbers using Twilio console in non US regions. Our engineering team is looking into the issue. We expect to provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.
Posted Sep 08, 2024 - 05:23 PDT
We continue to experience issues where users are unable to view their active phone numbers using Twilio console in non US regions. Our engineering team is looking into the issue. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.
Posted Sep 08, 2024 - 03:23 PDT
We are experiencing issues where users are unable to view their active phone numbers using Twilio console in non US regions. Our engineering team is looking into the issue. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.
Posted Sep 08, 2024 - 02:23 PDT
Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.
Posted Sep 08, 2024 - 02:16 PDT
This incident affected: DEVELOPER TOOLS (Console) and PHONE NUMBERS.